AccessMenuBarApps is a free utility for macOS that helps users manage menu bar apps, especially on smaller screens. It provides instant access to all menu bar apps by showing a reduced app menu, freeing up space and making icons visible.
Lifehacker - Thorin Klosowski
AccessMenuBarApps is a simple little program that allows you to expand your menu bar when you need it... If you're on a smaller screen and use a ton of menu bar apps like Dropbox, Caffeine, or Sparrow, AccessMenuBarApps is a handy utility to have around.
MacUpdate User - Reviewer from 2018
AccessMenuBarApps is a simple app that gives the user instant access to all menubar apps by showing a reduced app menu (so that there is more space for menubar apps).
Mac Informer - Ashley Griggs, Senior editor
An issue when working on a Mac with a small screen is that some of your Menu Bar applications aren't visible, especially if you have many status bar icons. This program provides you with a simple solution for this issue by hiding app menus from your status bar and revealing your entire collection of Menu Bar icons... All in all, the program provides you with an easy and quick way to clear your status bar. So, you should definitely try it, especially if you're working on a small screen.
Reddit User - QenTox
For me, this is a really awesome collection of apps in one place! Great work!
CNET Editor
Exposes system menu bar icons that get hidden on small screens by applications with too many menus.
AccessMenuBarApps | Ortisoft via Macworld.
AccessMenuBarApps is a lightweight and free macOS application designed to address the problem of cluttered menu bars, especially on smaller screens like those of MacBooks. It works by providing a shortcut to temporarily reduce the width of the application menus on the left side of the menu bar, thus revealing more space for the menu bar icons on the right side. This allows users to access all their menu bar apps even when running applications with extensive menus, like Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Office.
AccessMenuBarApps is a simple and effective solution for users struggling with menu bar clutter on smaller Mac screens. It's particularly useful for those who rely heavily on menu bar applications and find that they often get hidden by application menus. While it lacks advanced features found in paid alternatives like Bartender, its simplicity, free price tag, and ease of use make it a worthwhile utility for its intended purpose. However, users with larger screens or those who prefer more comprehensive menu bar management might find its features basic compared to other options available.